Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movie: Due Date

Due Date

I saw the newly released movie, Due Date, this weekend.  I went to see it because it was directed by the same person who directed Old School and the Hangover. Both of which I absolutely loved.

However, Due Date, did not shine.  It did have its funny parts but it also had slow parts.  I was excited to see what Zach Galifiankis would do as quasi Alan.  Not impressed.  Much the same character as Alan in Hangover but stuck in a car going cross country.  The Chemistry between Downey and Galifiankis was not bad and was believable.  Biggest problem with the movie was it pretty much went back and forth with Galifiankis would do something stupid and end up injuring Downey at which point Downey would thereaten to kill or maim Galifiankis on the next stunt.  

I'd give the movie a 5 out of 10. Had funny parts but the slow parts dragged it down and just could have been funnier.

1 comment:

  1. you suck at life. this is the dumbest blog ever. nobody cares about guns cars OR movies. get a life fatass.
