Monday, May 23, 2011

Story: Renegade-Test Drive

Time: the day after tomorrow
Place: Not too far away

A dark colored, supped up, 1970 Camaro screams down a deserted highway on a dark rainy night.  A deer steps out onto the rode just feet from the speeding Camaro.  In an attempt to avoid the animal, the driver over corrects and skids off the rodeway, rolling over an embankment.  When he comes to, a moment later, Jack Murdoc, the Camaro's driver, crawls out of the wreck with only a few minor scratches.  As he looks back into the upended musclecar, he can see his cell phone lying on what was the roof.  In pieces.  Seeing no alternative, Murdoc begins to walk down the road hoping to find a phone, or if hes lucky, someone to give him a ride. 

Renegade Beginnings

Murdoc wanders away from the remains of his vintage Camaro and wades through the woods down an overgrown path to an abandoned barn sitting eerily off in a clearing.  The exterior looks rundown covered in faded paint, with all the windowns boarded up, and lots of vegetation growing up the sides.

Trying to get some shelter from the now pounding rain, Murdoc slides the door open just far enough to slip by and ventures inside.

He finds the open space inside empty except for a long, tarp-covered shape, off in one corner.  Murdoc slowly lifts off the cover to find a forgotten prototype racer.  The paint is a grayish hue.  Their is both a spoiler on the trunk lid and a small one at the back of the roof.  The car has a boxy power about it.  As he nears the right side door an audible click is heard and the door pops open. Somewhat freaked he sits down into the driver seat.  He wipes a layer of dust off the gauges and finds a key in the ignition.  He turns it to on the dash lights flicker.  "What the hell," he thinks to himself as he gives it a shot.  Murdoc pushes in the clutch and attempts to turn over the engine but it only sputters.  He tries again with a little gas and the monster V8 roars to life.  Still in the cockpit Murdoc can feel the engine rumble through straight pipes.

As he puts his hand on the shifter knob he notices an odd red switch attached to its shaft.  He drops the transmission into neutral and reaches under the dash to pull the hood release.  Murdoc jumps out of the seat and slides the barn door open a little further to gain a little moon light.  He fumbles with the hood trying to find the auxiliary latch and lifts the metallic hood.  
 With the streaming moon light Murdoc can seen the belts spinning and hear air hissing into the engine.  Seated atop the intake manifold is a massive blower, which he notices is not running, and neither is its powerbelt.

Murdoc closes the hood and sits back in the drivers seat.

 He pushes in the clutch and shifts into 1st gear.  As Murdoc starts to give the car gas and let off the clutch, his foot slips off the clutch, because of the dust and water still on his shoes, and the beast leaps through the open bar door and down the path scraping along the plant growth.

Murdoc follows the path back out to the highway which is still empty of any traffic.  He stops along the empty moonlit highway for a moment just wiggling the stick back and forth soaking up the throaty roar of the musclecar V8.

He eases off the clutch and accelerates hard down the road leaving a cloud of dust and smoke as the tires strain to grip the road.  The acceleration throws him back in the seat as he power shifts into 2nd and then 3rd.

Murdoc slams on the breaks and coasts back onto the shoulder.  He pushes in the clutch and rests his hand on the shifter deciding what to do.  A second or two passes before Murdoc reaches down and pulls the red switch on the shifter rod.  The blower comes to life and the boost gauge registers the hightened power.  He shifts back into first the horsepower monster can be heard throttling back up as Murdoc pulls back onto the highway and takes off at full speed.

He is one with the powerful prototype.  2nd -3rd- 4th, 200-210-215. The two barrel down the road at over 220 Miles Per Hour. 

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