Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Story: The Enforcer

2008 News Brief
Prototype UH-60 Combat Rescue Chopper goes down in test.  All crew members dead.

Real Story
Prototype “Winged 8” Combat Rescue Chopper crashes due to equipment failure.  All 3 crew members would later be reported dead due to the fiery crash and inability to discern any remains from the wreckage.  Unknown to authorities the pilot escapes the crash, with minor broken bones and a head injury causing retrograde amnesia.    

3 promising Marine officers are taken directly from their Officer training schools for a top secret project.  Pilot, Capt. Jack “Talon” Murdoc; Co-pilot, Lt. Jonas “Raging Bull” Kraven; and Navigator/Flight Technician/Field Medic, Lt. Karen “Texaco” Haviland.  Enhanced through “Super Soldier” program to improve body with enhanced vision, hearing, reflexes, and increased healing ability with decreased healing time. 
They are drafted and improved to become the crew of the Prototype Winged 8 Combat Rescue Chopper.     
  The Winged 8, nicknamed the “Goose” by its crew, was designed as a Stealth Attack/Combat Rescue Chopper.  Its mission is to be able to retrieve downed pilots in hot combat zones.  With multiple improvements in both its propulsion systems and its body the Goose is able sustain heavy fire, as well as return suppressing fire to accomplish its mission.    

Jack “Talon”
Left tattoos- USMC Talon
Right tattoo- the “Winged 8”
Age: approximately 25
Jack has hightened abilities, including decreased healing time, due to an unknown factor.  Due to a case of retrograde amnesia Jack does not know who he is or anything about his past.

An unknown, under the name of Jack Talon, is enrolled in a test program for an unnamed government agency.
The Program puts the selected driver in a prototype crime fighting car, The Enforcer.  Due to significant upgrades the Enforcer can only be handled by an expert driver. Several professional drivers have already failed to control the Enforcer test cars. 
The final Enforcer is still in the Building stage.  Its base, a Black 2004 Pontiac GTO.  The Enforcer has been upgraded to be able to sustain direct gunfire, has the ability to hold and be controlled at ridiculous speeds, and is armed.  The biggest improvement being in its onboard computer system.  The Enforcer is outfitted with the SARA program.  SARA, standing for: Self-sufficient Artificial-Intelligence Roving Assistant, a highly evolved Artificial-Intelligence program incorporated into all the Enforcer’s systems.  Sara is to serve as companion and partner to the driver.  Her primary task being the monitoring of the Enforcers onboard systems, SARA also has the ability to obtain information wirelessly through item scans and a finely tuned ability to hack into any available networks.  Her highest achievement, the ability to project herself in a physical form by hologram.   

To prove himself to the program, Talon must take an Upgraded Suzuki GSX-R, Codenamed the Lobo, on a week-long test ride from Seattle Washington to a government compound at the Goose Lake in upstate New York.  The purpose of the ride from Seattle to the Goose Lake is to evaluate Talon’s ability to handle an overly fast vehicle.  The GSX-R, or the Lobo as it is named, has various performance upgrades, added sensors so that it can be monitored, and also the the base form of the SARA program installed to mesh with Talon and give him guidance on his cross-country trip.  

Somewhere in South Dakota, 11 p.m. 2 days later 
A man dressed in black riding gear wakes up in severe pain in a dark alley.  As he opens his eyes he sees and attractive woman dressed in tight fitting black leather standing over him.  She is surrounded by a weird glow.
"Jack!  Jack, are you okay?  You kinda crashed the bike.”  She says.   
“Where am I?  Who the hell are you?  Who am I?”  He responds. 
            “Oh man, not this again.” 
“You are in a dark alley after you crashed on that bike.” She says as she points to an upended crotch rocket.  “You kinda lost it in that puddle. Anyway, you name is Jack Talon. We think.” She answers.
            “And you?”  he mumbles. 
“I’m not done yet.   We guess you are about 25.  When you applied for the job we ran some tests on you and you’re some kind of super soldier, we’re not even sure Jack Talon is your real name.  Other than that you are an enigma.  Dude, you’re a freakin’ question mark.  Officially you don’t exist.  And I’m Sara.”
            “Whatever, can you help me up, Sara?”
“You really don’t remember any of this?  Jack I’m a hologram.  Tough for me to pick you up when I don’t have hands.  Sara stands for Self-sufficient Artificial-intelligence Roving Assistant.  I’m like you’re sidekick.  I’m sorta you’re bike.” 
“Wait.  What?  What the hell do you mean ‘you’re sorta my bike’?”
            “I am a visual representation of a computer program.  Basically, a fancy GPS unit.  Right now.  Installed on the Lobo is only my base program.  If you prove yourself, you’ll get to see all I can do.”    
Due to LED projectors placed on the Lobo, the bike, I can be shown within a few feet of the motorcycle.  Come on Talon, you have to remember some of this.  Geesh, you’re supposed to be some kind of super human with these extraordinary reflexes and you can’t even handle a little water.  You are being tested!  The test is for you to get that bike over there…” she points at the black motorcycle laying a few feet away.  “… From Seattle to the Goose Lake in the next 5 days.”
“Do you really want me to say all that again?  You really didn’t hit your head off that wall that hard.  Jack that bike, the Lobo prototype, is outfitted with sensors to see how you well you can handle it.  The test is to see if you are cut out to be their driver.  And you’re the only one who can ride that bike.  You have a bio implant in your neck that identifies you and allows the Lobo to be started, along with the implant also providing me information about your vitals.
Come on Talon, you remembering anything yet.  They’re testing you.  Quit being a baby and get back on.”
            “Who’s testing me?”
“Pick up you’re helmet and lets go.  I’ll tell you the rest after we get going.  I’ll show you whatever you want to know on the display in the visor of your helmet.”
            “Who am I working for again?”
“I can’t tell you that yet Jack.  You have to pass the test first.  Jack, these guys are trying to find out who you were.  They’ll have more answers for you when we get to the compound.  Now, LETS GO!”
            “Okay, okay.  I’m starting to remember.  And I feel a lot better.” 
“Finally.” Sara uttered. 
With that Talon picked up his helmet and put it back on, mounted the Lobo and pushed the started button to fire up the engine.  Sara started to walk over but disappear just before she got to the bike.   
            Talon heard her in his helmet, “You know I’m only here so you don’t go completely nuts riding across the country by yourself.”
“Yeah, thanks Sara.  I had forgotten.”  Talon then put his feet on the motorcycles foot pegs as he began to move forward.  When he hit the street Talon turned right and accelerated toward the highway.  Talon and his virtual sidekick were on their way again toward the unknown compound at the Goose Lake.

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